Financial graphs and charts on table

Idaho Falls Market Research

One of the key advantages in choosing a marketing agency is the initial focus on market research.  The research data provides information that is used in strategic development of a well-established marketing plan.  The execution of the plan is then most affective.

Industry Analysis

When researching an industry we identify industry trends and explore reasons that the trends exist.  We also identify seasonal components or repeated business cycles.  Inflation, population, technology and competition all contribute to industry developments.

Needs Identification

With an understanding of your Industry, we search for common and unmet needs of the Industry and your market.  The bottom line is that we want to identify what the needs are for your customers and how they are or are not being met.

Situation Analysis

In this research segment, we explore your marketplace and clearly define the segments in which you compete.  As we identify factors that influence the marketplace, we discover ways to direct your branding efforts to effectively reach and communicate a clear message to your target market.

SWOT Analysis

A key to any well-established marketing plan is a SWOT Analysis.  In this research segment we take a candid look within your business and identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.  With this internal assessment, we learn where we to focus and draw attention.  We will also identify areas that may need improvement before any advertising is purchased!

Demographic Identification

Knowing your customer base is critical information that will structure advertising efforts.  When we know who your customers are and what their purchasing attitudes and behaviors are, advertising strategies become effective as we can appeal directly to them.

Competitive Analysis

Understanding your competition is a core research project that directs your positioning in the marketplace.  By studying your competition, we learn what your competitors are communicating to the market — your potential customers.  This research also identifies what features or services are expected as part or your offering and what is considered exceptional.

Customer Surveys

Customer surveys provide the most valuable information you can receive regarding your product or service.  When correctly administered, we identify likes, dislikes, and receive quality standard feedback that greatly influences the marketing plan.

Secret Shopper Audit

This research provides invaluable insight into the customer service performance of your employees.  In this internal assessment we experience your products and/or services first hand and incognito.  We use the exercise for training and employee development purposes that we provide as an unbiased third party.  It also is used as a measurement to insure your promises made in advertising are being appropriately delivered.

If knowledge is power, then we need to know about your business and the market in which you compete.