Is your business Kipper J Compliant? As we develop marketing and advertising plans for our clients, the final goal is Kipper J Compliance. If you already have a marketing plan in play, you may be interested to learn if all of the pieces of the marketing puzzle are included..
What is Kipper J Compliance?
Kipper J Compliance is an honest, straight-forward analysis and evaluation of your marketing efforts. Every element of your marketing practices will be scrutinized against the criteria we have developed first-had through nearly nearly two decades of in-depth marketing practice and experience.
Optimally Performing Marketing
Marketing methodology is ever-changing and maintaining the highest level of marketing competency takes constant effort. When your business is Kipper J Compliant, you will know that all of the pieces of the puzzle are in place and your marketing efforts are working at the highest level.
Contact us to learn more or to request a Free Consultation.